Gas Utilities

The Winfield Municipal Gas Utilities provide service to the City of Winfield community.  Please contact them directly for assistance in obtaining these services for your home.

Notice to Gas Customers of Winfield Municipal Gas

As a customer of Winfield Municipal Utility, help is available to you in resolving possible complaints about your gas utility service. You can contact a utility representative at the following address and telephone number:

Winfield Municipal Gas Utility

115 North Locust Street

Winfield, IA 52659-0073

Office: 319-257-6661

On-Call: 319-257-6252

A city representative is available Monday through Friday during regular business hours (8-5).  If your complaint is related to service disconnection, safety, or renewable energy, and the Winfield Municipal Gas Utility does not resolve your complaint, you may request assistance from the

Iowa Utilities Board

1375 E. Court Avenue, Rm 69

Des Moines, Iowa 50319

Phone: 515-725-7321, or toll-free 1-877-565-4450

Email: [email protected]